I don't really like a tote bag, but I need a small bag with a big space which I can bring many things inside. Then, I thought of making a mini tote bag which I customize myself. I'm gonna show you guys how to make it. Guess what? This is my first ever sewing tutorial and I hope it's easy enough to follow.😀And of course, you need to have basic sewing skill in order to follow this tutorial.
Sebenarnya, saya nggak begitu suka dengan Tote Bag, tapi karena saya butuh tas kecil yang bisa muat banyak, saya pun akhirnya membuat tas ini deh. Ada yang ingin membuatnya juga? Kali ini saya akan membuat tutorialnya nih. Semoga mudah untuk diikuti ya. Anyway, untuk membuat DIY Mini Tote Bag ini, kalian perlu menguasai basic sewing ya!
- Fabrics, around 1/2 m x 2 (two colors) Kain, kurang lebih 1/2 m x 2 (dua warna)
- 2 D-ring
- 2 Lobster swivel clasps 2 Pengait
- Bag slide adjuster/3 glide Gesper
- Foam interfacing Sponge untuk tas
1. First, you will make the sides of the bag. The measurement that I use is 30x30 plus 2 cm seam allowance around the fabric. The total measurement will be 32x32. Since it is reversible, there would be 4 sides of fabrics; 2 sides for the outer-side and another 2 for the inside (measurement 1, 2, 3, and 4). Pertama-tama, buat bagian sisi tas. Ukuran dasar yang saya gunakan adalah 30x30 ditambah 2 cm jarak keliman di sekeliling kain. Karena tas ini reversible alias dapat dibolak-balik, jadi saya akan membuat 4 sisi; 2 sisi untuk bagian luar dan 2 sisi untuk bagian dalam (measurement 1, 2, 3, dan 4).
2. As measurement 1 and 2 has a fabric combination, you need to gather it as seen in the picture above. Untuk kombinasinya, jahit masing-masing bagian measurement 1 dan 2 agar menjadi seperti gambar di atas.
3. Then, measure 4 foam interfacing the same size as the fabric. The foam interfacing could result in a good structure of the bag. However, if you think your fabric is thick enough for a tote bag, you may skip this step. Kemudian, buat sponge berukuran yang sama dengan sisi tas tersebut sebanyak 4 buah agar tas berwujud lebih kaku dan terbentuk lebih baik. Kalian bisa melewati tahap ini kalau kain yang kalian punya sudah cukup tebal.
4. Gather the wrong side of the fabric plus the interfacing. In my case, I gather the measurement number 1 with 3, and measurement number 2 with 4 (so, there will be two parts of the unfinished bag). Sew it all the way around as seen on the above picture. Jahit kedua bagian dalam kain (wrong side) ditambah sponge pada kedua sisinya (lihat gambar). Saya menggabungkan measurement 1 dengan 3, dan measurement 2 dengan 4 sehingga terdapat dua bagian tas yang belum jadi. Pastikan untuk tidak menjahit bagian atas terlebih dahulu sehingga bentuk jahitan membentuk seperti letter U.
5. Fold in each corner and sew it with straight-stitch about 3 cm. Then cut the corner about a half cm from the seam allowance. Do it for both of the unfinished bag. Jahit bagian ujung tas (kanan dan kiri) untuk memberi ruang yang lebih lebar pada bagian dalam tas. Setelah itu, gunting bagian ujung kira-kira setengah cm dari jahitan. Lakukan langkah ini pada semua ujung kedua bagian tas.
6. Bring the right side out, fold the top of the bag as much as the seam allowance and hand-stitch it (don't worry, it will be machine-stitch later). Do it for both parts. If it's done, it will look like the picture above. Balik tas sehingga bagian kain berada di luar, lalu tekuk bagian atas tas dan jahit dengan jahitan tangan sebanyak 2 cm atau sebanyak seam allowance. Lakukan langkah ini pada kedua bagian tas.
7. Use the same fabric and foam interfacing for the bag handles. I made two top handles and one long side handles. The measurement of the top handles is 3 cm x 45 cm with 2 cm seam allowance on each edge, while 3 cm x 150 cm and 2 cm seam allowance for the side handle. Don't forget to make the handle for the D-ring in 2 cm x 4 cm measurement with 2 cm seam allowance as well. Untuk bagian tali tas, gunakan kain yang sama dan juga dengan dilapisi sponge di dalamnya. Kemudian, jahit salah satu bagian tepi tali. Ukuran top handle (bagian tali yang lebih pendek) yang saya buat adalah lebar 3 cm, panjang 45 cm, ditambah 2 cm seam allowance. Untuk side handle memiliki panjang 150 cm ditambah 2 cm seam allowance dengan lebar yang sama. Jangan lupa juga untuk membuat handle untuk D-ring dengan ukuran 2 cm x 4 cm + 2 cm seam allowance.
8. Flip one part of the bag so the wrong side is out. Then bring it inside another part as seen on the picture above. Balik salah satu bagian tas, dan masukkan bagian tersebut ke bagian tas yang lainnya. Lihat gambar di atas untuk lebih mudah.
9. Add the D-ring with its handle to both sides of the bag and pin it. You will sew it later. Then, place the top handles as you desire and pin it. I measured it 5 cm from the sides of the bag as seen on the above picture. Once it's pinned, sew the top of the bag all the way around. Tambahkan D-ring dan handlenya di kedua sisi tas dan beri peniti, kalian akan menjahitnya nanti. Kemudian, tempatka juga top handles pada bagian ujung tas seperti pada gambar, dan beri peniti. Setelah semuanya diberi peniti, jahit bagian ujung-atas tas secara melingkar.
10. Attach the clasps and the bag adjuster to the side handle. If you think the picture above quite hard to understand, trust me, you'll find that out when you're doing that since I did that as well. Tambahkan gesper dan pengait pada side handle seperti pada gambar di atas. Kalau gambar tersebut kurang bisa dimengerti, tenang saja, kalian akan memahaminya sendiri saat memasangnya, kok.
11. I think it's done! Sudah selesai!
Here is the result. There are four sides that you can wear. It's so playful and you won't be bored by only having one bag, I assume and since it's black and dark green, it matches most outfits on your closet! 😜
You can also wear it not just one style, but three! Wear it as a sling bag, shoulder bag, or even handbag depends on your mood.
I was really having fun making this mini tote bag and this project makes me like tote bag a little bit more. The design is quite simple and timeless so I can wear it every time. I hope this tutorial is helpful and inspiring enough for you.
8. Flip one part of the bag so the wrong side is out. Then bring it inside another part as seen on the picture above. Balik salah satu bagian tas, dan masukkan bagian tersebut ke bagian tas yang lainnya. Lihat gambar di atas untuk lebih mudah.
9. Add the D-ring with its handle to both sides of the bag and pin it. You will sew it later. Then, place the top handles as you desire and pin it. I measured it 5 cm from the sides of the bag as seen on the above picture. Once it's pinned, sew the top of the bag all the way around. Tambahkan D-ring dan handlenya di kedua sisi tas dan beri peniti, kalian akan menjahitnya nanti. Kemudian, tempatka juga top handles pada bagian ujung tas seperti pada gambar, dan beri peniti. Setelah semuanya diberi peniti, jahit bagian ujung-atas tas secara melingkar.
10. Attach the clasps and the bag adjuster to the side handle. If you think the picture above quite hard to understand, trust me, you'll find that out when you're doing that since I did that as well. Tambahkan gesper dan pengait pada side handle seperti pada gambar di atas. Kalau gambar tersebut kurang bisa dimengerti, tenang saja, kalian akan memahaminya sendiri saat memasangnya, kok.
11. I think it's done! Sudah selesai!
Here is the result. There are four sides that you can wear. It's so playful and you won't be bored by only having one bag, I assume and since it's black and dark green, it matches most outfits on your closet! 😜
You can also wear it not just one style, but three! Wear it as a sling bag, shoulder bag, or even handbag depends on your mood.
I was really having fun making this mini tote bag and this project makes me like tote bag a little bit more. The design is quite simple and timeless so I can wear it every time. I hope this tutorial is helpful and inspiring enough for you.
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