Second Turn (Portfolio)

I'm in a good mood, after a really hard time I've been through, doing all my assignments is really hard since I've never felt like to have a chance to take a breath, a while. It's just coming up like bombs, and  I got my stressed out. Well, and it's okay to know that it slowly will be over, yaa at least until the end of this year, will got my time a bit free of assignment. Third semester is the beginning of the "Dark Ages", while the real "Dark Ages" will be fourth semester, and you got to wish me a good luck, and never got (some) remedial anymore :)))))
Well, it's also good thing, to let you know that I had my second turn to design my (again) friend's blog. It's a kinda cool project, I claimed it. Since I really love to make over my own blog from the first time this blog was established. This becomes my second portfolio, and if you'd like to see my contribution to her blog, just see and keep scrolling down..

I wish to have a lot more portfolio, it's a kind of digging a ground to find a treasure. I could be widen up my skill in CSS/HTML or just play with headers, sidebars, and colors, Her favorite color is blue, and she wanted me to make over it whatever I want, as long as it's blue. And so, I decided to play with tartan pattern, to make it more adorable, but not too girly. I love the zigzag of the top and the bottom of the blog and what I got from her is she love it anyway ;)
(visit her blog here)

Want me to make over yours? Email me:

Click here for more portfolio


  1. Weleh....ndengarenya bisa pakai bahasa inggris....!Mbak Wulan daftarkan blognya ke adsense....ben ora ngantong ke orang tua bae....he he.
    Hebat...Great!!! Keponakanku. ojo lali maen di


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