Second Turn (Portfolio)

I'm in a good mood, after a really hard time I've been through, doing all my assignments is really hard since I've never felt like to have a chance to take a breath, a while. It's just coming up like bombs, and  I got my stressed out. Well, and it's okay to know that it slowly will be over, yaa at least until the end of this year, will got my time a bit free of assignment. Third semester is the beginning of the "Dark Ages", while the real "Dark Ages" will be fourth semester, and you got to wish me a good luck, and never got (some) remedial anymore :)))))
Well, it's also good thing, to let you know that I had my second turn to design my (again) friend's blog. It's a kinda cool project, I claimed it. Since I really love to make over my own blog from the first time this blog was established. This becomes my second portfolio, and if you'd like to see my contribution to her blog, just see and keep scrolling down..

I wish to have a lot more portfolio, it's a kind of digging a ground to find a treasure. I could be widen up my skill in CSS/HTML or just play with headers, sidebars, and colors, Her favorite color is blue, and she wanted me to make over it whatever I want, as long as it's blue. And so, I decided to play with tartan pattern, to make it more adorable, but not too girly. I love the zigzag of the top and the bottom of the blog and what I got from her is she love it anyway ;)
(visit her blog here)

Want me to make over yours? Email me:

Click here for more portfolio

"Life Begins At The End of Your Comfort Zone" -Neale Donald Walsch

I always afraid of trying something new. When it comes to the new one for me, I begin to be an odd person evvver. Awkwrd. I could be feeling weird, since the new things are a stranger for me. I've beem facing a demand of being in a comfort zone. Well, I'm never getting bored, however it makes me living in a monotone way. Something is never new. I always be like I am, I look for something new, but not the one that extremely wild.
Until I realized, I'm a young and need to have so many experiences in order to gain something new, and understand more about the meaning of living. About a grateful to God, and about open up my eyes, there are a big treasures there, and you gotta find, feel, and know it!
And I could understand how, there's nothing wrong of trying something that you've never done before. As long as, it doesn't make you and your life worse. As long as we're still young and have a lot of time (pretend it) to discover something that you wonder all this time. Lest, you will regret it tomorrow. No worried, just try.
I think, learning something new is so much fun! Really! It's like you will never get to stop your step, it seems like unlimited happiness. Got a new experience is never wrong, once again. As Neale Donald's quote, you're gonna feel a true life, when you never gain something new. This life is boring if we always be that way, always do the same things everyday. Haha
Well, I'm so excited to tell you all (okay, I begin to tacky now). It's been an ordinary think for some people, but me, as a person who hate all kinds of exercises, all kinds of outdoor activities (except travelling, of course), finally I did it! Akhirnya saya bisa naik gunung! The things that I never imagine before, I think I'll never could through this.
The one who wear black veil is a boy, he just tried to make a joke anyway :p

Hiking, is a new thing for me. We got to do such a hard thing to get there, the top. Haha. It's only a mountain Prau, only 2565 mdpl (meters above sea level), if you're a mountaineer, you're gonna laugh of me cause you might think that Prau is not a mountain, it's only a small mountain. Ya, ya I know. But I have to struggle so much hard to get the top.
I'm a beginner, and some of beginner friends too, and I didn't do such a warming up, especially running, all the more, I'm a beginner, should get more preparedness. I should've prepared a fit body and by the exercise I should've been through before I go.

Some people said, Prau is somehow having a hard track for the beginners. Well, ya, ya I got it. That's true. When I was hiking in the middle of the night will all the people there (who are some of them aren't beginners like me), I thought, that I'm never gonna hiking again. Never, it was hard for me, It's indeed really hard. I often got slipped, while I also got so much rest-time until we spent so much time to get to the top. While, actually it needs only maybe 2 hours, and we get through this for about 4 more hours. It sucks, and tired, of course.

We came there in a saturday nite, it seems so many people want to spend their satnite in Prau, lotsa tent there

My hometown is over the 'top right' hills in the picture ;)

We could see mount Sundoro there

But in the end, we've got paid! The view was so cool! I could see my hometown really small over the hill there. Haha. Prau is near by my hometown, Banjarnegara actually. And I was feeling sad that I couldn't reach my home, while I'm in the place where my hometown is near. However, it doesn't make me feel like then regret. I was just thinking, it's a good and new thing for me. I've got some new friends also, and it's fun to know new persons.
At first, I thought I would never go hiking again, but now I feel like want to go hiking again! Haha, it doesn't seem like I'm strong at all, but it's kind of a new fun for me. But of course, to get there, I should do a more preparation.
See, I can open up my eyes, to see the wilder place and out from my comfort zone. Well, now is your turn to make a new story of your life, depends on your interest, or reverse, or your hobby, or anything you might build, to gain a new experience, and to hold this world! :p

Upcoming Event: Blibli Meet Style

For you guys blogger living in South Jakarta or near? Come and join the Blibli Meet Style! There will be fashion and beauty bloggers sharing her experience in their success of building blogs and some beauty and fashion tips will be right giving to you all. There will Suci Utami be there from Indonesian Hijab blogger, Diana Rikasari, Bethanny Putri, and many more! The event will be held:
at Prestige Dining - Jl Kemang Utara Raya, No. 5E Jakarta Selatan
on Friday, November 21st, 2014 - 6.30 PM

Don't miss it!

Always Be Grateful In Every Condition

Thanks Allah, for giving a happiness always around me. It's not hard to be grateful, whatever you are feeling now, if you can be grateful to God, then all the burdens you have will seem light :)

Monday's Pick

1. Wool Fedora Hat - Mango
2. Cable Knit Wall Blend Sweater - Mango
3. Padded Parka - H&M
4. Pom Pom Ears Knit Beanie -Forever21
5. Wool-blend Knee Socks - H&M
6. Kelly Sand Wedges - UP
7. Black Istanbul Bag - COTTON INK

Portfolio 1

Lately I've been asked of my friend to design over her blog. She knows I'm really addicted in blogging, so then she asked me to do so. Well, actually she's a newbie in blogger and she actually played with tumblr as her life journal. So, it was actually a new challenge, been trying a new experience since I never make over any other blog, instead of mine. And it was such a reward for me, been trusted by my friend to design her new blog.
So, here it is..

I love every single simple detail of the template, since she asked me to make it simple as her own character. She's actually a traveler (or so called as a mountainer), and it could be better if I design her blog as simple as it can, however it still looked elegant and a lil bit girly (well, actually she's not girly at all, but at least she tries haha) and she satisfied of her new blog looks. Want to see the result of my first portfolio? Stalk her blog here.

Want me to make over your blog? Email me:

Click here for more portfolio

The Old Days

I look around my space, thinking why I could be here. Well, it seems like I don't have a way to escape, when you look at the mirror and ask who you really are. And I might realize that I've already missed the old day. Old days.
Something then strengthen me, from the people who always underestimate me. I know, they just don't know who I am. They just make me weak at first as I'm a sensitive-typical person. However, they make me stronger. However, they help me though.
I feel lonely in the crowded places. It's like you have a boyfriend but you don't feel like you have him. I feel here, I don't find anyone know me that well. I miss. I'm missing people who always understand me, keep me struggle for things I almost giving it up. Here, I don't find those people.
I miss the old days, where people call me and share a thing with me. Everyone become so humble, they were there at that time and together. There was an ego, but a bit. Here now, ego is the main strategy to win. Now, the only thing I do is to wait until the game is ended and move to the other new game and I will be a winner