Follow you when you walk out
Call you back when you hang up
Hug you when you punch him
Kiss you when you nag
Watch click-flicks with you
Tolerate your crying over love stories
Hand you the remote control
Pass on booze night just to listen your rantings
Don't flare up when you give a car direction
Says I'm sorry and tell you he needs you
Well, that was all just so cheesy, too drama, and non-realistic. It's me, in 2018 is totally different from 7 years ago. I'm sure everybody does. As we grown up, we don't really need all those things no more. But here's I guess what we need.
Actually, boys become men when they..
Care about you
Respect you as a woman
Responsible enough
Can make you a better person
Support what you do as long as it's positive
Grown up enough
Love their family
Can be a leader (at least, can lead you)
Support your happiness
Don't harm you
Don't hurt you
Don't like giving promises
Care about themselves and their own future
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