Nihao! Haha. Sok-sokan nyapa pake bahasa mandarin, padahal ngomong mandarin aja susah :'D Okay, postingan kali ini kembali mengenai haul. Yah, doakan ya setelah ini saya masih mampu bertahan hidup sampai akhir bulan April nanti. LOL. Aku tidak menyangka akan membeli banyak produk (yang memang semuanya sedang saya incar) selama aku berada di Taiwan. Aku pikir, aku hanya akan membeli satu atau dua buah saja per bulan. Tapi, namanya juga wanita yah. Mungkin setelah ini aku harus belajar menahan diri agar tidak kalap lagi. He. he. he.
Nihao! Just greet you in chinese, while my chinese is actually bad. Okay, in this post I'm gonna share haul again. Just wish me I can fulfill my needs, especially food until the end of April. LOL. I just can't believe myself that I bought these much! Haha. I only thought that it might be one or two product I buy a month. But this is just too much for me. Haha. I should learn how to control myself in spending money.
Hari kamis yang lalu, aku baru saja hunting beberapa produk di dua tempat. Sebenarnya, minggu kemarin adalah minggu UTS, tapi karena aku hanya mengambil beberapa mata kuliah saja disini, jadi UTSku hanya sedikit, dan semenjak Rabu aku telah menyelesaikan UTSku. Itu berarti, aku mempunya beberapa hari yang free. Makanya, aku memutuskan untuk hunting skincare di dua tempat, yaitu Japan Medical dan Cosmed.
Last Thursday I went to two different drugstores, Japan Medical and Cosmed. Well, actually last week I had a midterm, but since I only take 4 classes, and one of classes doesn't have an exam, so I only have three and I just finished the last one on Wednesday. It means I had several days free, that's why I decided to hunt skincare in two different places.
Ini pertama kalinya aku ke Japan Medical, karena letaknya lumayan jauh, sekitar 1 km lebih. Awalnya, aku berharap ada brand-brand yang aku inginkan di drugstore ini, tapi ternyata aku hanya menemukan canmake. Huhu. Memang, drugstore ini menyediakan bermacam-macam produk Jepang, dari mulai skincare sampai makanan ringan, tapi banyak brand-brand yang asing buatku hehe. Mungkin aku saja yang kurang tahu ya...
This was my first time went to Japan Medical, because it's a bit far from my dorm, around 1 km or more. At first, I wish that I can find some brands I look for, but I can only find Canmake. There are a lot of Japanese brands here of course, but I'm not familiar with that brands.
Akhirnya, di Japan Medical ini, aku membeli 3 produk, Canmake Nose Shadow Powder, Canmake Color Mixing Concealer, dan Biore UV Aqua Rich. Dan, Canmake Nose Highlighter ini memang sudah ada di daftar make up wishlistku. Sebenarnya, di Japan Medical tersebut aku juga menemukan Canmake Cover & Stretch Concealer, tapi aku lebih melirik Canmake Color Mixing Concealer, karena dalam satu produk, aku sudah bisa mendapatkan 3 warna sekaligus. Jadi, menurutku lebih multifungsi, tidak hanya bisa untuk mengcover under eye, tapi juga bisa mengcover noda-noda jerawat.
I bought three products in Japan Medical, Canmake Nose Shadow Powder, Canmake Color Mixing Concealer, and Biore UV Aqua Rich. Canmake Nose Shadow Powder has been in my wishlist, and yay one of my wishlist is checked. I actually found Canmake Cover & Stretch Concealer in which it also has added in my wishlist, but I found Canmake Color Mixing Concealer that I think it will be more useful not only for my under eye but also can cover my acne.
Sedangkan barang-barang yang aku beli di Cosmed adalah barang diskon semua. Girl can't resist discount anyway. LOL. Aku membeli My Beauty Diary seri terbaru, yaitu Ultra Repairing Mask dan Oil Balancing Mask yang aku pikir akan cocok dengan wajahku yang memang sedang sangat berminyak dan masalah lain yang juga banyak. My Beauty Diary seri terbaru ini hanya memiliki isi 8 sheet masks (varian biasanya berisi 10 sheets per box) dengan harga yang sama dengan variant yang lama.
While the products I bought at Cosmed are all in discount. Girls can't resist discount anyway. LOL. I bought two boxes of My Beauty Diary Mask in new series, Ultra Repairing Mask and Oil Balancing that I think it will work on my face since I have a sebum problem in my face and it needs to have an ultra repairing as well. This new series has 8 sheet masks for each box (the previous series consist of 10 sheets) in the same price as the previous one.
Selain My Beauty Diary, aku juga membeli Avene! Yeah Avene! Akhirnya aku mempunyai Avene. Jika kalian pengikut setia blogku, kalian pasti juga sudah tau kalau Avene juga termasuk dalam wishlistku. Hehe. Kebetulan Cosmed sedang menawarkan harga hanya 550NT untuk pembelian 2 Avene. Langsung saja, aku tidak mau melewatkan kesempatan emas ini. Hehe. Karena temanku juga sedang mengincar Avene, jadi kita bagi dua Avenenya, satu untukku dan satu untuk temanku. Hehe.
I also bought Avene! Yeah Avene! Finally I have this everybody's holy grail face spray. If you read every post in my blog (not really ever post), you must be knowing already that Avene also becomes one of my wishlist. Cosmed has a promo if we buy 2, the price is only 550NT. I don't remember the original price of Avene here, but it's more expensive than in Indonesia. But since I've got the promo price so I can buy the cheaper price! Yeapy! I only need one, so the other one I will give it to my friend, because she also wants this product.
Oh iya, disini aku juga akan menchecklist wishlistku yang sudah terbeli. Dari postingan wishlistku sebelumnya, aku telah menuliskan 12 produk yang aku inginkan untuk make up for beginnerku. And Yeapy..yeapy! Hampir semuanya aku beli!
I'm gonna share my wishlist from previous post (which has 12 products that I want) and checked the ones that I've bought, to make it easier for me.
Emina Beauty Blish BB CreamCanmake Cover & Stretch Concealer(changed: Canmake Color Mixer Concealer)- Masami Shouko Brushes (brushes bought: precise eyeliner brush, brow & mascara brush)
Canmake Nose Shadow Powder- Emina Cheeklit Cream Blush
Emina Agent of Brow- Emina Eyeshadow
- MasamiShouko Eyelash Curler
- Maybelline Volum' Express Turbo Boost Waterproof Mascara Very Black
Fake LashesAvene Thermal Spring Water Spray- Bioderma Sensibio
Masih ada beberapa produk yang belum aku beli, semoga aku bisa membelinya dalam waktu dekat ini. Terimakasih telah membaca blogku, semoga postingan ini bermanfaat, dan sampai jumpa di postingan selanjutnya!
There still some of products I haven't buy yet, wish me I can buy it soon. Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you find this post helpful, and see ya at my next post!
There still some of products I haven't buy yet, wish me I can buy it soon. Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you find this post helpful, and see ya at my next post!