Mind Your Own Business (Part II)

How many people at least in this country concern about other people's problem rather than theirs? How many people are realized that they should mind their own business? I think only a few people who are respectful enough about it as I've been dealing with it a lot. I found a lot of people asking when am I gonna be married, (esp.) what I will be in the future, why didn't you be that you should've been that, or 'you look fatter', 'you look so thin, is your life going well?', and things like that without knowing how far I did things. The worst thing is that they don't really understand us neither have close enough relations.

I think it's very common in this country and probably the ones who ask won't realize that it's not what people should ask to other. They don't have to know the detail about our life. They'll never know if the person who's being asked are having a hard time, a lot struggle that's unseen by them. God only knows, but it'll make the person gets even sadder. Even, they don't really think about it.

People should know the limit and of course, they have to be rational enough to know which is called the 'limit'. Are they sure enough that what they say is not offending? Were they thinking about it? Will they think of the person? I mean, the person's feeling after what they say.

Like I said, people should be respectful enough not to mind other people's business. I guess, we ourselves have a lot of things to be doing. So, why spending time minding about others?

Well, I'm not perfect, surely I'm not. I am a person and I make mistakes too, but I wish I never offend people so that people won't offend me.


  1. Sabar beb, emang hal yg menyebalkan adalah orang yg terlalu kepo sama urusan orang lain, pdhl hidupnya sendiri aja kacau. Aku juga paling sebel tuh kalau ditanya kapan merit, ahh risih, tanpa mereka tanya juga aku lagi mempersiapkannya kok, ga perlu kan aku memberi pengumuman ke seluruh dunia kalau aku mau merit. Daripad mreka tanya kpn merit, kpn lulus, kpn punya anak, bukanya kan lebih baik kalau pertanyaan itu diubah jd doa aja ya, hahahah, aduh maap malah jd curhat. kesel sm org2 ky gitu heheheh


    1. Hahaha duhh iya knp gk didoain aja gitu ya kitanya LOL. Gak papa Meta, biar lega jadi harus diungkapkan hihi


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