OOTD: Winter-inspired for Tropical Girl

Welcome back! I managed to post a fashion post (finally, sigh) after awhile. The photos were taken several months ago, back in the last Eid Fitr. I know it's too long, I intended to post it as my Eid Fitr outfit actually, but I think it's too late. But this might inspire you if you kinda obsess with 4 seasons countries, or pretending that you live in a 4 season country.

#sociolla2ndanniversary How to Get A Flawless Skin with Sociolla

Before I tell you how to get a flawless skin, here I got it covered for you about Sociolla and its 2nd anniversary. Sociolla is a beauty e-commerce in Indonesia and you guys might already know that my blog is having a partnership with it. I really love Sociolla cause there I can find the products I look for. Plus, there are many promos, discounts, and Beauty Point I can redeem for the next purchases.