Halo beauties! Sesuai dengan janjiku di postingan sebelumnya, bahwa aku akan memposting produk-produk skincare atau beauty selama aku di Taiwan, dan disinilah aku akan membahasnya. Jadi, selamat datang di postingan Skincare Haul pertamaku! Yeay yeay *excited. Postingan ini juga bisa menjadi guideline untuk kamu yang berencana pergi ke Taiwan dan berburu skincare.
Hello beauties! As I promised in my previous post that I'm gonna post skincare haul during my stay in Taiwan, so here it is! Welcome to my first skincare haul post! This post also can become guideline of skincare hauling in Taiwan for you.
Nah, sebelumnya kalian harus tau beberapa tempat-tempat drugstore skincare di Taiwan, yaitu Watson, Cosmed, Little Three, Guardian, dan masih ada beberapa lagi. Dan jangan khawatir, tempat-tempat tersebut mudah ditemukan, tidak seperti di Indonesia. Di Jogja misalnya, Guardian saja masih lumayan jauh dari kosku, hehe. Sejauh yang aku tau pun, hanya terdapat dua Guardian di Jogja, padahal Jogja sangat luas kalau dibanding Tamsui (daerah dimana aku menetap di Taiwan). Di dekat asramaku, ada dua Cosmed yang jaraknya tidak begitu jauh, jadi aku bisa jalan kaki. Sedikit godaan sih, karena saking mudahnya, kantong juga semakin mudah menipis. Hehe.
Before you go to hunt, you have to know the places of skincare heaven in Taiwan. It's usually a drugstore, like Watson, Cosmed, Little Three, Guardian, and some more. And don't be worry, those drugstores are easy to find! It's not like in Indonesia, or Jogjakarta for instance, there's only two Guardians there, and it's located a bit far from my rental. While in Tamsui (the district in Taiwan where I stay) which is Yogyakarta is wider, I can easily find Cosmed (even there are two Cosmed near my dorm) and just go for walk to go there.
Selama satu bulan disini, aku baru mengunjungi Cosmed saja, karena itu yang paling dekat. Sayangnya, tidak begitu lengkap. Ada beberapa brand yang tidak available di Cosmed yang aku kunjungi ini. Tapi bukan berarti apa yang aku butuhkan selalu tidak ada disana. Jadi, menurutku masih lebih lengkap drugstore disini daripada di Indonesia.
Since around a month I'm staying here, I still just visited Cosmed, because this one is the nearest. Unfortunately, it's not that complete. There are some of brands which is not available here. But, it doesn't mean thing that I need always not available there. It's still more complete here, than the drugstore in Indonesia.
Oh iya, aku mempunyai tips untuk kalian yang ingin save money. Haha. Sebenarnya, produk-produk disini relatif lebih murah dari Indonesia, tapi ada beberapa yang ternyata malah lebih mahal, bahkan sampai dua kali lipat. Jadi, saranku sih sebelum membeli produk disini, kalian coba browsing dulu di website Indonesia. Aku biasanya membandingkan harganya di Sociolla.
I have tips for you who wants to save money! Haha. Relatively, the products here are cheaper than in Indonesia, but there are several which is more expensive, even two times more expensive. So, I will suggest you to browse first before you buy a skincare product here. You can browse in your country's drugstore, or online shopping based in your country. I usually compare the price with Sociolla.
Contohnya saja, make up removerku sudah mau habis, dan aku ingin menggantinya dengan Bioderma, lalu aku cek harga bioderma di Sociolla. Jadi, saat berada di Cosmed aku bisa membandingkan harganya. Sayangnya, Bioderma disini dua kali lebih mahal dibandingkan di Indonesia. Mungkin aku akan membeli Bioderma di Sociolla nanti setelah aku kembali ke Indonesia. Haha.
For example, my make up remover remains a little, and I plan to change it with Bioderma (because my make up remover is Indonesian brand, and it is not exported product), so I check the price of Bioderma in Sociolla. So, when I go to Cosmed I can compare the price. Unfortunately, here two times more expensive than in Sociolla. Probably I will buy a Bioderma in Sociolla right after I go back to Indonesia.
Nah, jika kamu tidak ingin menyesal, mungkin tips tersebut bisa kamu ikuti. Lebih aman lagi kalau kamu membeli skincare yang tidak available di Indonesia. Sudah pasti tidak ada perbandingan harganya, dan dijamin kamu tidak akan menyesal setelah membelinya. Justru malah ingin memborongnya haha.
If you don't want to regret, probably the tips above can be followed. The saver way, you can buy a product that is not available in your country, it's obvious that you can't compare the price and you will never regret.
If you don't want to regret, probably the tips above can be followed. The saver way, you can buy a product that is not available in your country, it's obvious that you can't compare the price and you will never regret.
Karena postingan ini adalah tentang skincare haul, mungkin aku tidak akan panjang lebar menjelaskan lebih detail tips-tips berbelanja skincare di Taiwan. So, inilah produk-produk yang telah kubeli selama sebulan ini (dua kali ke Cosmed). Beberapa dari produknya baru aku beli hari ini, jadi belum semuanya ku coba, bahkan belum dibuka. Haha.
Since this post is entitled as skincare haul, so I'm not gonna tell you the detail about skincare haul tips in Taiwan. So, these are the products that I've bought ( I went to Cosmed two times to buy all these). I haven't try some of the products, since I've just bought those today, and even they are still sealed. Haha
1. Sebamed Lip Defense
Sudah lama banget aku ingin membeli produk ini. Sebenarnya aku disarankan oleh teman kuliahku untuk memakai ini, karena bibirku yang gampang pecah-pecah. Tapi aku belum sempat membelinya, dan karena aku masih mempunyai lip balm dari Wardah. Aku juga mempunyai Nivea Creme yang ternyata sangat ampuh untuk melembabkan bibirku. Selama winter di Taiwan pun aku juga sangat mengandalkan Nivea Creme tersebut, tapi sebentar lagi mau kadaluarsa. Hiks hiks, makanya aku membeli Sebamed lip defense ini. Harganya pun jauh lebih murah! Yeay!! Kalau di Guardian Indonesia, Sebamed lip defense ini harganya Rp 100.000 lebih kalau tidak salah, sedangkan disini NT149 alias hanya Rp 60.000. I'm so happy! This is what I really like in Taiwan! Hihi.
It's been a long time since I want this product. I was suggested by one of my friend to use thise because my lips are easily to get dry and chapped. But I hadn't buy it in Indonesia since I still have a lip balm from Wardah (Indonesian brand). I also have Nivea Creme which is actually effective to moisture my lip (I found it when I was giving up of my dri lips during winter in Taiwan). Unfortunately, it will be expired on November. That's why I decided to buy this Sebamed Lip Defense. The price is cheaper than in Indonesia. If I'm not mistake, it costs around IDR100.000 more at Guardian Indonesia. But here in Taiwan, it only costs NT149 or around IDR60.000.
It's been a long time since I want this product. I was suggested by one of my friend to use thise because my lips are easily to get dry and chapped. But I hadn't buy it in Indonesia since I still have a lip balm from Wardah (Indonesian brand). I also have Nivea Creme which is actually effective to moisture my lip (I found it when I was giving up of my dri lips during winter in Taiwan). Unfortunately, it will be expired on November. That's why I decided to buy this Sebamed Lip Defense. The price is cheaper than in Indonesia. If I'm not mistake, it costs around IDR100.000 more at Guardian Indonesia. But here in Taiwan, it only costs NT149 or around IDR60.000.
2. Biore Pore Pack
This is my holly grail! Haha. Aku selalu membersihkan komedoku menggunakan ini. Ya walaupun tidak se magic yang kita inginkan, tapi aku pikir produk ini dapat membantu mengurangi komedoku. Not bad lah. Dan.....disini 1 pack isinya 10! Haha. Harganya sedikit lebih murah, NT79 atau sekitar Rp 32.000. Disini juga tersedia versi putihnya. Entah bedanya apa, aku kurang tau, karena tulisannya Hanzi alias dalam karakter China. I can't read that.
This is my holly grail! Haha. I always clean my blackheads with this. This. Is. My. Holly. Grail. Even if it's not that magic as we imagine, but this can reduce, at least. Not bad. And here it contains 10 pieces a pack (this product only contains four pieces a pack in Indonesia)! Haha. The price is a bit cheaper, NT79 or around IDR32.000.
This is my holly grail! Haha. I always clean my blackheads with this. This. Is. My. Holly. Grail. Even if it's not that magic as we imagine, but this can reduce, at least. Not bad. And here it contains 10 pieces a pack (this product only contains four pieces a pack in Indonesia)! Haha. The price is a bit cheaper, NT79 or around IDR32.000.
3. Hada Labo Kiwamizu Lotion
Tujuan paling utamaku ke Cosmed adalah membeli toner! Karena tonerku sudah hampir habis (sebelumnya aku memakai Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence). Hihi. Dan aku menemukan Hada Labo Kiwamizu ini. Sebenarnya aku belum tahu Hada Labo Kiwamizu ini apa karena produk ini belum ada di Indonesia, jadi pada saat mau membeli produk ini, kusempatkan browsing dulu dan ternyata Hada Labo Kiwamizu ini lebih untuk hydrating. Harganya cukup terjangkau, NT239 atau sekitar Rp 96.000.
Actually, I have main purpose why did I go to Cosmed today, it's because I need toner, my previous toner is almost empty (I use Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence that I've reviewed). I found this Hada Labo Kiwamizu. I didn't know what Hada Labo Kiwamizu for, so I browsed it during my haul in Cosmed. For your information, this Kiwamizu toner is more for hydrating. The price is quite affordable, NT239 or around IDR96.000.
Actually, I have main purpose why did I go to Cosmed today, it's because I need toner, my previous toner is almost empty (I use Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence that I've reviewed). I found this Hada Labo Kiwamizu. I didn't know what Hada Labo Kiwamizu for, so I browsed it during my haul in Cosmed. For your information, this Kiwamizu toner is more for hydrating. The price is quite affordable, NT239 or around IDR96.000.
4. Shiseido Perfect Watery Oil & Perfect Whip Foam
Shiseido ini murah banget!! Bahkan lebih murah dari Hada Labo Tamagohada disini (harga Hada Labo Tamagohada Facial Foam disini sekitar NT290 (Rp 117.000) padahal di Indonesia tidak sampai Rp 50.000). Shiseido seri Senka atau Perfect ini sangat terkenal di Jepang dan Taiwan. Aku membelinya seharga NT99 atau sekitar Rp 40.000. Seri ini memang kategori affordable dari Shiseido, tapi bukan berarti produk ini murahan. Facial Foamnya enak banget dipake! Wajahku terasa sangat bersih menggunakan ini. Bahkan aku merelakan Hada Labo Tamagohadaku untuk beristirahat sebentar, saking penasarannya dengan produk ini sampai-sampai aku memakainya sebelum Hada Laboku habis. Haha. Sedangkan Perfect Watery Oil ini adalah make up remover yang digunakan saat kita showering atau bathing. Aku belum mencobanya, karena aku baru membelinya hari ini, dan make up removerku juga belum habis. Tapi aku juga sangat penasaran dengan produk seharga NT299 (sekitar Rp 120.000) ini. Sebagus apa sih?
This Shiseido is really cheap!! It's even cheaper than Hada Labo Tamagohada here (Hada Labo Tamagohada costs NT290 (IDR117.000), it's actually cheaper in Indonesia which is less than IDR50.000). Shiseido Senka or Perfect series is famous in Japan and Taiwan. I bought this for NT99 or around IDR40.000. This Senka series is the affordable category from Shiseido, but doesn't mean it's worth two penny. This facial foam is really good! I feel like my face is super clean after washing. While the Perfect Watery Oil is a make up remover that can be used during showering or bathing. I haven't try this since I've just bought this today. This product costs NT299 (around IDR120.000).
5. Beauty Diary Mask
Nah....ini adalah sheet mask Taiwan yang susah dicari di Indonesia. Ha ha ha. Disini gampang banget carinya, dan sangat murah. Kalau di Indonesia, sheet mask seperti ini mungkin harganya Rp 30.000 per sheet, disini mungkin hanya sekitar Rp 10.000 per sheet. LOL. Murah banget. LOL. Pengen borong. Aku membeli dua pak Beauty Diary Mask dengan varian Aloe Vera dan Bird's Nest. Aku sudah mencoba dua-duanya. Sangat tipis dan sejuk saat diapply di wajah. Sheet mask ini juga memiliki banyak serum, bahkan selalu sisa banyak di plastiknya. Harga per pak adalah NT250 (Rp 101.000), tapi kalau membeli dua menjadi NT419 (Rp 170.000). That's why I bought two packs. :p
Well, this is sheet mask from Taiwan that. is. really. hard. to. be. found. in. Indonesia. Hahaha. It's easy to find this product here and cheaper here (of course, since it is made in Taiwan). It costs until IDR30.000 per sheet in Indonesia, probably here is only IDR10.000 per sheet. LOL. It's really cheap. Want to buy a lot. I bought two packs of Beauty Diary Mask in Aloe Vera and Bird's Nest. I've tried both. The sheet is thin and fresh when we apply it on our face. This sheet mask also has a lot of serum, even it still remains quite a lot in its sachet. The price per pack NT250 (IDR101.000), and I've got a promo if I buy two I only have to pay NT419 (IDR170.000).
Jadi, itu dia produk-produk yang aku beli di Cosmed. Haha. Ternyata postingan ini panjang juga ya, padahal cuma haul. Oiya, kalau kamu travelling ke Taiwan, jangan lupa untuk membeli brand-brand lokal Taiwan ya! Biasanya para traveller juga membeli produk-produk skincare Taiwan untuk dicoba. Jangan lupa cari tahu sebelum membeli, browsing itu penting, unless you'll regret it.
So, that's all the products that I've bought in Cosmed. That is all my skincare haul. Haha. I didn't expect that I'm gonna have this long post.
I have one more tips when you will go to Taiwan to buy skincare. Just don't forget to buy Taiwan skincare brand! And don't forget to find out the product before you buy, browsing is important, unless you'll regret it.
So, that's all the products that I've bought in Cosmed. That is all my skincare haul. Haha. I didn't expect that I'm gonna have this long post.
I have one more tips when you will go to Taiwan to buy skincare. Just don't forget to buy Taiwan skincare brand! And don't forget to find out the product before you buy, browsing is important, unless you'll regret it.
Penasaran juga sama perfect whip itu, banyak yg bilang enak banget ya.
Iya emang enak banget, muka serasa bersih bgt abis make. Haha, tp kudu bener2 sampe berbusa bgt, jd agak repot dikit
DeleteCuma di Indo lebih mahal ya harganya, malahan jauh banget.
DeleteAdakah di indo? Dimana??
DeleteDengar2 ada konternya di Indo. Tapi aku ga tau seh lokasi tepatnya karena ga tinggal di Jakarta.
DeleteMakasih infonya Rima ;)
DeleteU're welcome Eria. ^^
DeleteAku penasaran banget nih untuk nyobain masker beauty diary. Menurutmu habis maskeran ngasih efek nyata nggak hehe. Aku terjebak dengan zona nyaman masker nihhhh
ReplyDeleteNggak ada efek nyatanya sih, haha tp paling pas dipake muka jd seger aja, sm abis dipake agak sedikit cerah dn gak kusam lg,
DeleteHallo kak Eria. Aku mau tanya, itu yg shiseido yanv perfect watery oil beli dimana ya? Boleh tau ga? Heheh
ReplyDeleteHalo, aku beli di Taiwan hehe tapi kayanya mau aku jual di blog sale, tunggu aja ya blog sale nya kalo mau beli :)