Halo! Kali ini postingannya kembali mengenai beauty. Hehe. Aku lagi cinta-cintanya nih sama produk-produk kecantikan, khususnya skincare. Apalagi di umurku yang ke 21 ini (2-5 tahun menjelang pernikahan, aamiin. LOL), beberapa masalah wajah mulai timbul. Dan di umur yang udah nggak remaja lagi ini, aku sadar kalau muka kita memang butuh perawatan ekstra. Eits, ekstra belum tentu mahal juga. Haha
Hi! This time I'm going to share about beauty again. Hehe. I'm being in love with beauties product, especially skincare. Since I'm now 21 years old (and 2 until 5 years later I'm gonna be a bride. Amen. LOL), I have some problems appear in my face. In in this not-teenage-anymore year, I began to realize that our skin needs extra treatment. But, extra doesn't mean always expensive. Indeed, we have more spending, but we can choose the best ones, which are not always expensive.
Setelah aku jadi skincare addict, aku juga mulai sadar sepertinya aku harus belajar make up. Sadar kalau sudah semester tua, dan mau lulus, setelah itu Wisuda! Aku bercita-cita melakukan make upku sendiri pada saat wisuda. Jadi, sekarang lagi sering-seringnya nonton tutorial make up wisuda untuk Indonesia dari para youtubers. Hihi. Saking obsesnya, kadang walaupun aku sudah melihat tutorialnya, besok-besoknya pasti kuulang lagi. Hehe. Dan dari youtubers yang memberikan tutorial make up wisuda, aku paling suka dengan tutorialnya Lizzie Parra. Lizzie yang juga make up artis ini memberikan tutorial yang glamour tapi tidak berlebihan dan mudah diikuti.
After I become a skincare addict, I also realize that I need to learn how to do my own make up. Realize that sooner I become a Senior in the college, and gonna be graduate. I dream about doing my graduation make up my own. So, recently I've been watching graduation make up tutorials by Indonesian youtubers. as I'm too obsessed of that thing, sometimes I re-watch the tutorial I've watched. And the most tutorial I like is coming from a make up artist, Lizzie Parra. Her tutorial is easy to follow and not too much, but we still get a glamour make up.
After I become a skincare addict, I also realize that I need to learn how to do my own make up. Realize that sooner I become a Senior in the college, and gonna be graduate. I dream about doing my graduation make up my own. So, recently I've been watching graduation make up tutorials by Indonesian youtubers. as I'm too obsessed of that thing, sometimes I re-watch the tutorial I've watched. And the most tutorial I like is coming from a make up artist, Lizzie Parra. Her tutorial is easy to follow and not too much, but we still get a glamour make up.
Nah, nah, berhubung aku berencana ingin me make up kan diriku sendiri pada saat wisuda, aku harus persiapan produk-produk make up juga dong. Kan nggak mungkin minjem. Hehe. Belum juga untuk latihannya sebelum hari H (persiapan banget ya we? LOL). Aku sudah merancang wishlistku untuk kategori beauty. Dan semua wishlistku aku tulis di page wishlist di blogku dan di Sociolla, karena produk yang kuinginkan hampir semua ada disana. That is why aku menamai postingan ini dengan Sociolla Make Up Wishlist.
Since I plan to do my own make up in graduation, I need to prepare my make up product. And I've listed what I want to buy in my wishlist page on my blog and in Sociolla. Why Sociolla? Because most of my products I want are available in that website (It's worldwide shipping, so everyone can buy there).
Oke, langsung saja ya ini dia make up wishlistku, semuanya bisa didapatkan di Sociolla, dan untuk memudahkanmu, aku juga berikan direct link produk-produknya agar kamu juga bisa membelinya.
Ok, here we go...these are my make up wishlist,you can get these all in Sociolla, dan to make it easier, I put the direct link in each product so you can also buy it.
Sudah tau brand Emina? Emina adalah brand baru dari Indonesia, branch dari Wardah dan Make Over. Packaging dari make up Emina ini lucu-lucu, mungkin kalau di Korea mirip dengan Etude House yang packagingnya juga lucu. Tapi, ini beda ya. Haha. Bukan berarti meniru. Nah BB cream dari Emina ini katanya bagus banget! Sangat ringan ketika dipakai, dan BB Cream ini juga mengandung primer, jadi kita tidak butuh berlapis-lapis produk untuk make up. Produk ini memiliki dua shade, light dan natural. Aku mengingkan shade light dari BB Cream ini.
Harga: Rp 32.000
Have you know Emina? Emina is an Indonesian brand, it's a branch from Wardah and Make Over. The packagings are cute, it's similiar with Etude House from Korea. But it doesn't mean they copied Etude House. Emina has its own products, focusing on make up. And people said their product is amazing! Especially for this BB Cream, which also contains primer and it is light. So, we don't need to apply to much layers to our face in order to make a good make up. I really curious about this product. This product comes in two shades, light and natural. I want the light one.
Price: IDR32.000
Have you know Emina? Emina is an Indonesian brand, it's a branch from Wardah and Make Over. The packagings are cute, it's similiar with Etude House from Korea. But it doesn't mean they copied Etude House. Emina has its own products, focusing on make up. And people said their product is amazing! Especially for this BB Cream, which also contains primer and it is light. So, we don't need to apply to much layers to our face in order to make a good make up. I really curious about this product. This product comes in two shades, light and natural. I want the light one.
Price: IDR32.000
Harga: Rp 168.000
I also need concealer! Since I have kinda bad under eye, and too many acne scars, concealer is needed to cover my imperfection. Even if I'm a beginner. And I heard it that this concealer is so light but covering enough our imperfection (I guess they have a medium coverage). This product comes in three shades; 01, 02, 03. I want to buy the shade 01.
Price: IDR168.000
Brush! Yupp, ini juga penting banget! Haha. Kenapa aku insert gambar powder brush di atas, karena brush tersebut memang benar-benar sedang aku butuhkan. Aku menggunakan Revlon Powder, dan aku harus menggunakannya dengan puff. Terkadang saat aku mengaplikasikannya dengan puff, bedakku jadi tidak merata. Yah, intinya, akan lebih mudah jika diaplikasikan dengan brush. That's why, I need this brush. Please somebody buy me! LOL. Aku memilih Masamis Shouko karena selain harganya yang terjangkau, brush ini juga memiliki kualitas yang bagus. Btw, aku juga butuh brushes yang lain seperti untuk mata, alis, foundation, dan yang pasti untuk beginner. Hehe.
Harga: Rp 148.900
Brush! Yup, this product is also really important! Since my Revlon Powder comes with puff, and I think brush is much more easier to help applying my powder, I think I should buy this kind of brush. I choose Masami Shouko, since it is affordable, but they have a good quality. Btw, I also need other kind of brushes, but not too much, just brushes for beginner. Haha.
Price: IDR 148.900
Brush! Yup, this product is also really important! Since my Revlon Powder comes with puff, and I think brush is much more easier to help applying my powder, I think I should buy this kind of brush. I choose Masami Shouko, since it is affordable, but they have a good quality. Btw, I also need other kind of brushes, but not too much, just brushes for beginner. Haha.
Price: IDR 148.900
Sebenarnya, ini tidak terlalu penting sih, tapi yang namanya wishlist ya boleh-boleh saja kan? Hehe. Dan aku dengar dari review-review beauty blogger, dupe beautyblender dari Masami Shouko ini juga lumayan oke. Jadi tidak ada salahnya mencoba, apalagi harganya lebih murah dari beautyblender original. Hehe
Harga: Rp 92.900
This product is not really important, we can still do my make up even if we don't have this product anyway. But I think it's good to have it one. Again, I'm choosing Masami Shouko, because I heard that this dupe of beautyblender is quite good, and a way cheaper.
Price: IDR92.900
This product is not really important, we can still do my make up even if we don't have this product anyway. But I think it's good to have it one. Again, I'm choosing Masami Shouko, because I heard that this dupe of beautyblender is quite good, and a way cheaper.
Price: IDR92.900
Karena tujuanku untuk belajar make up wisuda, jadi shading sama highlight juga perlu belajar. Nah untuk produknya, beli yang murah dulu kali ya. Haha. Ini dari Canmake, dan dilihat dari brandnya sih bagus ya, karena brand ini juga dari Jepang. Jepang adalah negara yang sangat mengutamakan kualitas, jadi semoga produk ini tidak mengecewakan ya setelah kubeli. Hehe.
Harga: Rp 158.000
I think highlight and shading also important when I do my make up for graduation. And I found this product in Sociolla, this one is the cheapest. Haha. But since it is from Canmake, and we know Canmake is a good brand, I hope this product works well in me.
Price: IDR158.000
I think highlight and shading also important when I do my make up for graduation. And I found this product in Sociolla, this one is the cheapest. Haha. But since it is from Canmake, and we know Canmake is a good brand, I hope this product works well in me.
Price: IDR158.000
Produk ini unik banget! Ini adalah blush on dengan bentuk lotion alias cair. Banyak yang mereview bahwa produk ini bagus, tapi agak sedikit tricky saat pemakaiannya. Kalau kita mengaplikasikannya terlalu banyak, bisa-bisa wajah kita seperti bonyok. Haha Blush on ini terdiri dari dua shade, peach dan pink. Aku ingin memiliki kedua shadenya.
Harga: Rp 30.000
This product is unique! It's a blush but the texture is lotion alias liquid. Many bloggers review this product and they said it's good, but a little bit tricky when appying it. I fwe apply it too much, it will be looked cakey. This blush on from Emina comes in two shades, peach and pink. And I want both. Haha
Price: IDR30.000
This product is unique! It's a blush but the texture is lotion alias liquid. Many bloggers review this product and they said it's good, but a little bit tricky when appying it. I fwe apply it too much, it will be looked cakey. This blush on from Emina comes in two shades, peach and pink. And I want both. Haha
Price: IDR30.000
Aku adalah perempuan yang tidak memiliki alis. Alis we tipis banget. LOL. Makanya, ini sangat wajib! Apalagi untuk acara seperti wisuda, nggak mungkin kan make up kita sudah oke, tapi alis kita bolong? Untuk warnanya, Emina Agent of Brown ini memiliki dua, coklat dan hitam. Aku memilih brown karena mungkin lebih natural.
Harga: Rp 30.500
I'm female, but I don't have eyelid. Haha. My eyebrow is so so thin. LOL. That's why, this product will be crucial for me (LOL, crucial). Again and again, this is from Emina, and it is really good! It comes in two colors, black and brown. But I want the brown one, since it will make our look more natural.
Price: IDR30.500
I'm female, but I don't have eyelid. Haha. My eyebrow is so so thin. LOL. That's why, this product will be crucial for me (LOL, crucial). Again and again, this is from Emina, and it is really good! It comes in two colors, black and brown. But I want the brown one, since it will make our look more natural.
Price: IDR30.500
Eyeshadow ini juga dari Emina, dan banyak yang bilang kalau warna eyeshadow ini sangat intense dan tahan lama. Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa, produk ini tidak sesuai dengan harganya. Karena kualitasnya sangat bagus, tapi harganya sangat murah. Aku mengingingkan shade Gelato, karena shade ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai highlight untuk warna termudanya. Dan tidang ketinggalan shade nude yang juga bisa untuk sehari-hari.
Harga: Rp 39.500
This eyeshadow also from Emina, and the colors are intense and durable. Some said, the price is not too cheap for this really good product. It comes in 4 shades (I forgot whatsoever, but you can check it on Sociolla through the direct link of this product). I want Gelato shades, since I can use the lighter color of the eyeshadow for highlighter. And not to forget nude shade, for everyday look.
Price: IDR39.500
This eyeshadow also from Emina, and the colors are intense and durable. Some said, the price is not too cheap for this really good product. It comes in 4 shades (I forgot whatsoever, but you can check it on Sociolla through the direct link of this product). I want Gelato shades, since I can use the lighter color of the eyeshadow for highlighter. And not to forget nude shade, for everyday look.
Price: IDR39.500
Tool ini juga lumayan dibutuhkan oleh para wanita, tidak terkecuali beginner make up. Karena eyelash curler ini sangat membantu untuk melentikkan bulu mata, dan bulu mata seakan lebih panjang. Untuk aku yang memiliki bulu mata dengan panjang medium, eyelash curler merupakan go to utama.
Harga: Rp 88.900
This tool is quite needed by female, not to forget for the beginner. It really helps to curl our eyelashes and to be looked longer. For me who have a medium-length eyelashes, this one is my go to tool.
This tool is quite needed by female, not to forget for the beginner. It really helps to curl our eyelashes and to be looked longer. For me who have a medium-length eyelashes, this one is my go to tool.
Setelah menggunakan eyelash curler, untuk lebih menebalkan bulu mata kita, kita memang membutuhkan maskara. Nah kenapa aku memilih maskara ini sebagai wishlist, karena bulu mataku sering rontok. Dan aku diiming-imingin dengan "volum' express" ini yang sepertinya akan membuat bulu mataku menjadi sangat tebal. Haha
Harga: Rp 63.200
After curling our eyelashes, to thicken it we need mascara. And why I choose this one? It's because I was amazed by its tag "volum' express" that it looks like make my eyelashes become soo thick.
Price: IDR 63.200
After curling our eyelashes, to thicken it we need mascara. And why I choose this one? It's because I was amazed by its tag "volum' express" that it looks like make my eyelashes become soo thick.
Price: IDR 63.200
Karena acaranya untuk wisuda, aku juga butuh berlatih memasang bulu mata palsu. Hehe. Aku memiliki dua pilihan ini, Lavie lash, brand yang sedang hits di Indonesia saat ini, dan Blink Charm yang menyertakan glue dalam satu paknya. Hemat.
Lavie lashes: Rp 44.800
Blink Charm: Rp 39.000
I also need this for my graduation to be look a little bit glamour. I choose both of these brands because, first: Lavie Lash is the hippest fake lash brand in town. This is a brand from Indonesia. Second: Blink Charm lash comes with the glue in a package. Save money, ladies.
Lavie Lash: IDR44.800
Blink Charm: IDR 39.000
I also need this for my graduation to be look a little bit glamour. I choose both of these brands because, first: Lavie Lash is the hippest fake lash brand in town. This is a brand from Indonesia. Second: Blink Charm lash comes with the glue in a package. Save money, ladies.
Lavie Lash: IDR44.800
Blink Charm: IDR 39.000
Dengar-dengar, produk ini dapat membuat make up menjadi lebih tahan lama dan menahan minyak berlebih. Nah, karena mukaku -combination-oily, ini sangat penting dan wajib untuk dibeli. Untuk make up wisuda, kita juga butuh yang awet kan? Jadi tidak ada salahnya membeli air ajaib yang harganya sedikit mahal ini.
Harga: Rp 178.000
This product is also hip. In all over the world, I think (?). Avene is a product from France. This can help our make up last longer, and help decrease sebum in our face (because I have a combination-oily face).
Price: IDR 178.000
This product is also hip. In all over the world, I think (?). Avene is a product from France. This can help our make up last longer, and help decrease sebum in our face (because I have a combination-oily face).
Price: IDR 178.000
Ini adalah make up remover. Banyak yang bilang sih produk ini sangant ampuh. Best make up remover, katanya. Karena aku penarasan, makanya aku taruh produk ini sebagai salah satu wishlistku disini. Saat wisuda, make up kita juga pasti akan lebih tebal dari make up sehari-hari. Mungkin bioderma ini ampuh untuk membersihkan itu semua.
Harga; Rp 132.000
I think Bioderma Sensibio is a holy grail of everybody's make up remover. This one is really good, that is why I also want it to remove my make up after graduation.
Price: IDR132.000
Nah, itu dia ada 12 produk di wishlistku kali ini. Oiya! Untuk kamu yang ingin berbelanja di Sociolla, kamu masih bisa menggunakan diskon 50.000 dari aku lho! Caranya dengan memasukkan kode EKA50 saat check out. Minimal pembelian Rp 200.000 ya! Happy shopping!
Well, those are all my 12 make up wishlist. Oh! The IDR 50.000 discount from Sociolla still available for you all (all over the world). You can just insert the code: EKA50 in a check out box (with minimum purchase IDR200.000). Happy Shopping!
Harga; Rp 132.000
I think Bioderma Sensibio is a holy grail of everybody's make up remover. This one is really good, that is why I also want it to remove my make up after graduation.
Price: IDR132.000
Nah, itu dia ada 12 produk di wishlistku kali ini. Oiya! Untuk kamu yang ingin berbelanja di Sociolla, kamu masih bisa menggunakan diskon 50.000 dari aku lho! Caranya dengan memasukkan kode EKA50 saat check out. Minimal pembelian Rp 200.000 ya! Happy shopping!
Well, those are all my 12 make up wishlist. Oh! The IDR 50.000 discount from Sociolla still available for you all (all over the world). You can just insert the code: EKA50 in a check out box (with minimum purchase IDR200.000). Happy Shopping!
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