Normcore Attitude

2015 is started which means new trend of fashion are also coming. As seen, every year there would be different trends coming up, especially for fashion and people like always want to be that part of it. Well, actually I'm not a kind of follow-the-trend person, but this time because I really like simple thing and I also like to dress up in a simple way so, if the trend says simple is better, then I agree with it.

Now, 2015' trend is a normcore. Most of it girl or fashion-street-style person in the world you see wearing a simple kind of clothes. Normcore basically is the combination word of normal and hardcore. It's the trend of fashion that will boom this year, because every people like need a simple thing. What is normcore style characterized? It simply, if you want to style yourself to be normcore, just wear the basic and make it simple. Basic means, it's not too hard and never looked over. Basic colors like navy, white, black, will be the safest way to dress up normcore. It's also look good to limit the color of the clothes you wear. If you want to wear brown, just pair it with white, or only cream. It is so in hijab, hijab trend in 2015 is now gonna be more simple, no more too much layer, and more accessories that will be looked too over.

Not too much patterns. Patterns aren't going hype nowadays. The thing of this trend is more less is more. To look good, you never always have to show more by dressing up over, cause now the trend is going to be calm ;)

REVIEW: The Complete Series of Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening

Halo! Maaf sudah menunda review ini, padahal aku sudah janji di akun g+ ku beberapa waktu lalu kalau aku akan mereview produk ini secepatnya, tapi malah aku tidak menepati janji. Jadi, akhirnya sekarang deh aku baru bisa mereview seri lengkap dari Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening, skin care rutinku saat ini. Aku baru saja menginjak umur 20 pada bulan Januari lalu, dan hal tersebut membuatku tersadar bahwa aku harus merawat kulitku. Kalau kita tidak merawatnya, kulit kita akan mendapatkan masalah; seperti lebih kusam, berjerawat, kering atau berminyak, ya pokoknya tidak sehat deh. Aku sebenarnya tidak tahu sih kapan waktu yang ideal untuk memulai memakai skin care tapi, sepertinya umur 20 sedikit terlambat ya. Lebih baik terlambat deh, daripada tidak sama sekali, lagipula umur 20 juga masih muda! LOL.
Hi! I'm sorry for postponing this review, as I told in my g+ and to review this soon, but it goes to be late. So, in this post I'm gonna be reviewing the complete series of Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening, my current skin care routine. I'm just turning 20 years old on last January, that makes me realize that I have to take care of my skin more. If we don't do that, our skin will get in trouble such as become duller, have acne problems, dry, or becomes oily, nor not healthy. I don't know when is the ideal time to start the skin care regime but, I guess I'm quite late to start on 20 years old. It's better late than never, it's not too late anyway, I'm still young! LOL.

Dimulai dari akhir tahun lalu (sekitar September - Oktober), aku mencari review-review skin care dan baru tahu apa itu skin care (setelah aku sadar bahwa wajahku bermasalah). Aku mencari review-review dari blog kecantikan dan melihat video-video youtube terkait skin care hampir setiap hari sampai akhirnya aku menemukan produk ini.....Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening yang sepertinya menjawab permasalahanku.
Began in the last year (around September - October), I searched for the review of many kinds of skin care, and I began to know what is skin care (after I realized I had some problem on my face). I read through some beauty blogs, watched every related videos on youtube almost everyday until I found this product.....Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening which I think will be answering my problems.

Dari kiri ke kanan: Face Wash, Lotion, Essence, Milk, Night Cream. Aku sudah menggunakannya sekitar 4 bulan. Jadi, inilah reviewku setelah 4 bulan penggunaan:
This photo is showing the complete series of Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening (from left to right: Face Wash, Lotion, Essence, Milk, Night Cream). I'm using it around 4 months (or more, I forgot the time when I bought it).
So, let's get into my review after I use it in ± 4 months:
  • Cukup awet. Awalnya, aku mencoba sample kitnya yang isinya lotion, milk dan face wash (aku beli di Karena hanya sample kit, ukurannya jadi sangat kecil-kecil, hanya sekitar 10mL atau 20mL setiap produknya. Tapi, habisnya cukup lama, sekitar 4 bulan baru habis, lumayan awet kan? Yang paling cepat habis sih face washnya, karena face wash memang butuh lebih banyak) (It lasts longer. I first time tried the sample kit which contains lotion, milk, and face wash (bought on As it's only a sample kit, the size is also super tiny, only 10mL or 20mL each. However, I can empty it around ± 4 months, except the face wash. The face wash runs faster than the lotion and milk.)
  • Wajahku jadi lebih bersih. Seperti yang aku bilang di atas, ini adalah skin care pertamaku. Sebelum aku mencoba produk ini, aku hanya menggunakan face wash dan make up remover setiap hari. Aku punya banyak beruntusan (seperti milia) di sekitar hidung. Setelah aku menggunakan Hada Labo secara teratur di pagi dan malam hari (termasuk essence dan night creamnya), beruntusannya jadi berkurang. Komedo yang kupunya juga sedikit menghilang. Aku jarang berjerawat, tapi kalau tiba-tiba datang jerawat rasanya pengen banget cepat hilang. Makanya aku selalu pencet-pencet jerawat sampai dia keluar sendiri, akhirnya aku punya bekas jerawat yang lumayan banyak. Tetapi, setelah aku apply Hada Labo secara teratur, bekas jerawat juga bisa hilang. Tapi, tetap hasilnya tidak instan, butuh waktu dua minggu sampai satu bulan untuk menghilangkan bekasnya. (My face gets cleaner. As I told you above, this is my first skin care that I use. Before I tried these products, I only use face wash and (a kind of) make up remover every day. I had so much small pimples (like milia) around my nose. After I apply Hada Labo regularly morning and night (including the essence and night cream), the small pimples has reduced. Blackheads on my nose also get disappear a little (reduced). I rarely get acne but, once I got one, I have to make sure that it will disappear as soon as possible. So, what I always did was pushing it until it comes out and the result is I got the scars that's very bad. However, after I apply Hada Labo regularly, it began to disappear. However, it's not that instant, it will be faded in two until one months for the small scars.)
  • Melembabkan kulitku. Karena aku tidak pernah merawatnya, kulitku jadi kering. Jadi produk ini sudah jelas membantu melembabkan kulitku karena aku juga pakai moisturizernya. (Moisturized my skin. Since I never take care of my skin, it made my skin dried. So, this products help to moisturize my skin as I use Hada Labo milk (as the moisturizer) everyday.)
  • Jerawat jadi gampang hilang. Saat tiba-tiba ada jerawat, aku selalu menjadikan essence sebagai spot treatment dan berdasarkan pengalamanku, jerawatnya jadi bisa hilang hanya dalam dua hari. Tapi, tetap ya masih ada bekasnya) (The acne goes faster. Once I get my acne, I applied the essence as the spot treatment and based on my experiences, the acne will be healed after 1 until 2 days. But still, the acne scars won't disappear that easy.)
Sejauh ini, aku beranggapan kalau Hada Labo cukup bagus dikulitku, dan karena ini adalah skincare pertamaku, sebenarnya justru produk ini memberikan kemajuan di kulitku. Meskipun sebenarnya aku harus menunggu cukup lama agar produknya meresap dengan sempurna ke kulit. Kalau sedang terburu-buru, produk ini memang sedikit merepotkan ya. Haha. Produk ini merupakan produk whitening, tapi aku nggak merasa kalau kulitku menjadi lebih putih. Justru, kulit kusamku lumayan menghilang sih.
Pada dasarnya, skincare yang kita pilih itu harus sesuai dengan jenis kulit kita dan kuncinya adalah jangan pernah melewati perawatan kulitmu setiap harinya dan selalu bersihkan kulit.
Overall, I think Hada Labo is good for me, as it's my first skincare, it's not that bad actually. Though I should wait it absorbs longer. It's not really work when I'm in rush, though. Haha. I'm using whitening series,  but I don't think my face get more white however, it removes my dull skin. Basically, what kind of skin care we choose is depending on the type of our skin. But, the key is never skip the skincare routine, and always cleanse your face regularly.